All field personnel who may be working in a laboratory, inspecting a
laboratory, or working with hazardous
chemicals, should review the Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) prior to beginning work. The Chemical Hygiene Plan should include the following:
- Standard operating procedures (SOPs) relevant to employee
health and safety for work with hazardous chemicals
- Criteria that the employer will use to implement control
measures to reduce exposures; these control measures can include engineering controls,
hygiene practices, and protective equipment
- A requirement that laboratory hoods and other protective
equipment function properly and adequately
- Provisions for employee information and training
- Circumstances under which particular lab operations require
prior management approval
- Provisions for medical consultation and exams
- Designation of personnel responsible for implementing the CHP, including
a Chemical
Hygiene Officer (CHO) and/or a Chemical Hygiene Committee (CHC)
- Additional protection provisions for work with particularly
hazardous substances.